Book Review by Austin Anderson: Sixth Sense by Eugene N Nwosu (Self-published)
2017-08-04 11:07:56 -
Sixth Sense, the third book by Nigerian-born, Dublin-based author Eugene N Nwosu, is filled with tips to live a lifestyle with an awakened and empowered subconscious mind.

Nwosu follows similar teachings of self-development and spiritual growth experts like Dr Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, while mixing in quotes from well known thought-provokers such as Mark Twain and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The ‘sixth sense’ for which the book is named refers to the power of the subconscious mind. Nwosu writes of the impact positive affirmations, such as ‘I am happy’ and ‘I am wealthy’, can make on day-to-day life. He also discusses what he believes to be the importance of paying attention to your thoughts. “Empower your subconscious with harmonious, healthy, and peaceful thoughts, and all the functions of your body will become normal again,” he writes.

These are a few of the many important lessons Nwosu discusses in his book, which reads closer to a school textbook than an essay. He covers 40 different topics but they don’t have to be read consecutively. With at least one pull-out quote on nearly every page, the book seems best suited as a reference when looking for specific inspiration in just a few pages, rather than something you curl up with under a blanket for a few hours.

To someone who isn’t familiar with ‘law of attraction’ and similar teachings, it could be challenging to apply the book’s lessons, which are undeniably valuable but lack concrete, relatable examples. Reading this feels, at times, like being told to alter your life ‘because I said so’, without tangible evidence as to why.

If you have read the work of Dr Dyer or Eckhart Tolle, you are unlikely to find anything here that you have not already learned. Nevertheless, Sixth Sense is a strong guide to great teachings of some of the best thinkers and spiritual leaders of the past 100 years, and that alone makes it a valuable read.

TAGS : Sixth Sense Eugene N Nwosu Wayne Dyer Book review Tony Robbins Deepal Chopra Mark Twain Ralph Waldo Emerson
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