Higher claims limit for faulty goods from EU online sellers
2017-07-17 15:12:13 -
The limit for cross-border claims made by consumers through the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) has been increased from €2,000 to  €5,000.

The ESCP, which first became operational in January 2009, is a simple and inexpensive EU-wide procedure that allows consumers and traders alike to pursue cross-border claims within the single market.

"When a consumer encounters a problem with good or services purchased from traders in another EU country they sometimes don't know what to do or who to turn to," says Martina Nee of the European Consumer Centre (ECC) Ireland.

"If a consumer has tried to contact the trader and the matter is not resolved to the consumer's satisfaction, then there is still the option of the ESCP. It's great news that the limit for claims has been increased to €5,000."

To make a claim for a faulty product purchased online from a trader in another EU country, simply fill out an ESCP form and lodge it with the registrar in your local District Court office with a €25 fee.

The new higher limit on claims is the result of efforts by the European Commission to make the ESCP more widely available and efficient for consumers.
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