Diversity drive for Garda Reserve
2017-04-01 17:57:48 -

By Staff Reporter

An Garda Síochána has launched a new drive to recruit 300 reserve gardaí among Ireland’s native and immigrant communities in 2017.
The ‘Give Something Back’ campaign aims to attract people of various nationalities, skill sets, ages and backgrounds to join the Garda Reserve and help further diversify its ranks under the current modernisation and renewal programme.

The ongoing application process, which will run till 13 April and targets people aged between 18 to 60, will boost new Garda Reserve places to as many as 2,000 by 2021.

Most of the 663 current reservists are male, numbering 481 to 182 women. The average age of female reservists is 36, compared to 40 for men. 

The Garda Reserve at present represents 20 different nationalities and backgrounds, including Iranians, Polish, Nigerians, Italians, Lithuanians, Albanians, Indians and Chinese.

Reservists are voluntary members of the Garda, who have an opportunity to develop hands-on policing experience in their locality.
Tasks involve dealing with public order incidents, high visibility patrolling, traffic management, attending major events, carrying out administrative duties, and providing general support to full-time Garda members.

The Garda added that new figures show the reserve programme is being used by many as a stepping stone to a full-time career in the service.

At press time, the Garda was unable give to the total number of immigrant reservists who have applied to join as full-time gardaí, nor how many were successful. 

Also unavailable was any figure for ethnic minorities recruited as full-time gardaí since 2006.

TAGS : garda reserve diversity
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