Justice backs new Mosney catering credits system despite frustrations
2017-02-15 17:10:14 -
By Chinedu Onyejelem

The Department of Justice said it was “monitoring” the introduction of a new system of self-catering credits that has reportedly posed frustration for Mosney residents.

Justice was responding to an article in the 1-14 February edition of Metro Éireann, in which residents of the Co Meath direct provision centre complained of a lack of information about the new credits system, and ‘rip-off’ prices at the centre’s café shop.

In a statement, Justice said Mosney “is the first centre to introduce this system which allows each resident to move to a home cooking environment. The pilot project is a ‘work in progress’ and will continue to be adjusted where necessary.

"The shopping experience gained after one week including the products purchased, feedback from residents and management alike will be gathered and examined. Any changes to the system will be introduced on foot of these experiences."

Meanwhile, Justice claimed the “overwhelming response” from the majority residents has been “welcoming and extremely positive”, adding that prior to the new scheme, Mosney staff “provided supports and assistance to residents over a number of weeks on cooking, meal planning and budgeting to prepare residents for this change.

“Where any residents may need further assistance on these topics, this will of course be provided,” the department added.
TAGS : The Department of Justice Ireland France Fitzgerald Mosney
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