Brush up on your party etiquette for Christmas
2016-12-15 13:04:30 -
Brush up on your party etiquette for Christmas

By Staff Reporter

Whether you’re hosting or attending a party this holiday season, etiquette expert Orla Brosnan, founder of The Etiquette School of Ireland, has a range of top etiquette tips to ensure the perfect experience for hosts and guests alike.
“Planning of attending a party can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t need to be,” says Brosnan. “My etiquette tips for hosts and guests offer simple and thoughtful ways that will help to make your Christmas party stand out from the crowd.”

Set the scene
Make your party venue warm and welcoming by evoking the sensations of Christmas. Little touches such as the sound of an open crackling fire, the smell of a real Christmas tree and the taste of freshly baked mince pies can simply and effectively bring the Christmas spirit to life at a party.

Look after your guests
A good party host will make sure that guests enjoy themselves. It’s always a good idea to introduce guests, using experiences or acquaintances they have in common as a conversation ice-breaker.
Be generous with your hospitality – and have a stain-removal kit on hand for any spillages.

Enjoy yourself
Don’t put all the pressure on yourself as a host; consider hiring in some help for the evening, so that you can spend as much time as possible with guests. And don’t forget: you’ve put a lot of work into making your party a success, so don’t forget to enjoy the party yourself.

Be a considerate guest
If you’ve received an invitation to a Christmas party, RSVP as soon as possible. If you’ve received a written invitation, etiquette dictates that an RSVP is sent no longer than a week later. Let your host know if your plans change.
Don’t arrive early: generally, the best time to arrive at a party is within 15 minutes of the start time. If you’re going to arrive later, let the host know.
It’s best to bring a gift, but don’t make work for your host. A thoughtful, stylishly packaged gift such as a cool coffee table book, scented candle or soap is always welcome, while champagne or prosecco is always a good option.

Get to know everyone
A good party guest will always mingle. To join a conversation, catch someone’s eye, smile and enter the group on a break. Don’t excuse yourself from a conversation by pulling the bathroom ploy.

Don’t overstay your welcome
The evening is over when the music is off, the lights are on, the drinks have stopped and the food is cleaned up. If any of these has happened, it’s time to go. And don’t drink too much; you’ll regret it.

TAGS : Ireland List Party Etiquette Christmas
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