‘Out-of-the-pantry’ soup
2016-02-03 15:51:13 -

This soup recipe is all about trying to empty your pantry of those last vegetables and is perfect for a cold night.



4 stock cubes

3 large carrots

2 celery stalks

1 box pastina (any variety such as risi, farfalline)

Half a large yellow pepper

Parmesan cheese for grating

Boil the box of pastina as per the instructions (you could also cook rice if you don’t have any pasta). 

In a separate pot, boil the bouillon cubes in a few cups of water, stirring occasionally. 

Finely chop the carrots and celery in bite-sized pieces, and chop the yellow pepper to cubes. You can add whatever other meats or vegetables you like as long as they’re finely chopped. Mix the chopped ingredients in a large bowl and set aside.

When the pasta is ready, drain and add to the stock, then stir well. While stirring, slowly add the chopped ingredients and allow to boil till the vegetables are cooked (take special care if you have added any meat).

Serve hot, topped with some grated parmesan cheese.

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