Dublin Bus fosters community spirit with 2015 awards round
2015-09-01 15:36:48 -

More than 80 local community groups have been shortlisted for the 2015 Dublin Bus Community Spirit Awards. And all will receive a grant ranging from €1,000 to €5,000 in the award ceremony at Croke Park on Wednesday 23 September, hosted by former Ireland international footballer Niall Quinn.


Every year the Dublin Bus Community Spirit Awards provides support for voluntary and community groups in the Greater Dublin Area. Since 2004 a percentage of unclaimed passenger change has gone to the Dublin Bus Community Spirit fund and supported almost 1,500 voluntary groups.


Among the shortlisted groups this year are the Down Syndrome Centre, which is fundraising for a much-needed occupational therapy room; the Oxmantown Community Garden in Stoneybatter; Innovista Ireland, which helps inner-city teenagers to be more engaged in school and their community; and the Northside Reading Workshop, which supports children with dyslexia from all north Dublin communities.


They are just a sample of the more than 1,500 voluntary groups – 135 groups supporting people with disabilities, 535 community development projects, 310 youth clubs and services, 85 soccer clubs, 110 family resource and community centres, 110 services for older people, 45 boxing clubs, 30 scout groups, and 20 dance clubs – supported by the Dublin Bus initiative over the past decade.


“Since I gave out those first awards over 10 years ago, I have seen the value and importance they have brought to communities,” said Niall Quinn, who is also patron of the awards. From essential building repairs to sports equipment, they have been an important assistance to community groups across Dublin and I look forward to seeing once again how this year’s awards will make a difference to Dublin communities.”

TAGS : Dublin Bus Community Spirit Awards Niall Quinn grant community groups
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