Youth will have their say at Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg AGM
2015-09-15 14:05:35 -

Nominations are open for young Dubliners to attend the annual general meeting of Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg which will be held on Thursday 22 October in Croke Park.


The youth forum said its purpose is to give those aged 12-18 an opportunity to contribute in influencing local policy, planning and decision making.


“It is as a result of the continuous support and encouragement given by schools and youth organisations, that young people feel empowered to take part in Comhairle na nÓg,” said Nina Farrell, Comhairle na nÓg co-ordinator. 


“By giving young people this chance to discuss and debate matters of relevance to them in their community, we are encouraging them to speak out and be heard as an influential voice in local and national decision making processes.”


Farrell added Comhairle na nÓg is seeking the input of young people from all backgrounds, including Ireland’s new communities.


“The AGM is an opportunity to update interested young people on the work of the past year and to provide a forum for them to discuss issues relevant to them and their community as well as selecting what they would like Comhairle to work on during the coming year,” said Farrell.


The day itself will consist of a series of facilitated workshops to discuss themes relevant to young people. Any in attendance who would like to continue engaging Comhairle will have an opportunity to put their names forward for election at the AGM. Those elected will work primarily on one issue that has been decided by young people at the AGM.


“It will be an issue that they will research and work on to influence decision makers,” said Farrell, who added that young people are invited to submit any topics they think would be suitable for Comhairle to work on along with the nominations from their schools or youth groups by the closing date of Wednesday 23 September. The three most popular topics will be discussed at the AGM.


For the nomination form or for further information visit

TAGS : Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg AGM
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