Settlement in dispute over sale of gold
2019-06-01 10:56:25 -

By Staff Reporter


A court action taken nearly eight years ago by English jewellers against an Irish-Nigerian partnership over what the former described as a “virtually worthless” quantity of gold has been settled out of court.


In a proceeding at the High Court in October 2011, Stirling Jewellers (Dudley) Ltd claimed it paid €104,000 to Peter Osa-Amadasun and Nike Lorna Osa-Amadasun, trading as PE Eamsons Business Services, for a quantity of gold — but that the gold was not received because its package was later switched with no valuable material in it.


After years had passed without proof of their claim, it is understood that Stirling Jewellers have made an out-of-court settlement with the Nigerian-born Osa-Amadasuns, who it is also believed received compensation.


In a settlement letter to the Osa-Amadasuns seen by Metro Éireann, Stephen Woods, a solicitor for the English jewellers, writes that his firm can “confirm on behalf of our client that no fraud or any other civil liability was established against Peter Osa-Amadasun and Nike Lorna Osa-Amadasun trading as PE Eamsons Business Services from the transaction [that was[ the subject matter of High Court proceedings record number 2011/9326P”.

TAGS : gold dispute settlement court jewellers
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