Personal data issues with foreign pension
2019-05-01 16:24:50 -

I receive from Australia a Commonwealth Superannuation Pension (ComSuper) directed to me from Canberra by the National Australia Bank (NAB) and related to my working life in Australia. Cheques are lodged to my wife and my joint account with AIB in Dublin.


Under a contractual arrangement, the pension cheques and information from the NAB, being of a personal kind centred on private financial matters, mean the absolute imperative is for the information to be uninterrupted and secure.


Consider my surprise and I should say alarm to read on the back of an envelope containing my NAB account details on one occasion, and then once more, with the instruction to return if undelivered to an address in Vietnam.


Is this an example of outsourcing? And of data of a highly confidential personal disposition allowing for access, at least potentially, to the entirety of the data information held in my name?


This is a serious violation of my rights as a data subject giving entitlement to compensation. Both the NAB and the AIB have failed to respond to my having addressed the matter to their offices.


This matter would be of considerable concern to any person in receipt of confidential personal information related to their affairs living over this side of the world after working in Australia or having a financial involvement in the country.


John Kelly
Co Westmeath

TAGS : cheques bank NAB AIB
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