Christian Corner: It’s time for us to take on the role of the Good Samaritan
2019-04-01 18:42:55 -

By Maybell Owabumuwa


Particularly with Easter approaching but also for every other time, the need for all people — black, white, Irish, European, American, African, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, etc —to do good cannot be over emphasised.


Kindness or acts of charity could be individual or by group action. Such acts usually involve a giver and a receiver. One could be in form of service or commodity.


We live in a society of diverse cultures, language, religions, and ideology. Many times, we tend to look down on other people or pass unfounded judgements just because we see things are not done according to our expectations. Often we help only those who are close or related to us.


The parable of the Good Samaritan is meant for each and every one of us today, for its reality is not disconnected from the happenings in our day-to-day lives. It is an invitation for each of us to love and do good to each other.


A man going on a journey fell into the hands of robbers. He was stripped of his clothes, beaten and left for dead. Two notable people saw the man, but passed by on the other side, leaving him still helpless until a Samaritan found him, took pity on him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.


Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out money and gave it to the innkeeper, with an instruction that they should look after the injured man, and that he will reimburse them for any extra expense they may have incurred while he was away.


We live in a society where bitterness and vengeance often seem to triumph over forgiveness. We live and work with people who seem to be imprisoned in their resentments. We are sent forth to our homes and neighbourhoods where it is all too easy to cultivate prejudice toward those who are different from us.


We are missioned to a society in which human life is threatened in all its stages, from conception to natural death. We witness the weak and vulnerable of our society passed by, time and time again.


The world in which we live is in need of the Good Samaritan. The loving gaze offered through our desires and actions to tend to the wounds of those who lie by the roadside in our world.


Back to our story: the question is which of these people do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied: the one who had mercy on him.


It is time to take on the Good Samaritan role as we learn what it means to be good neighbour to those around us. Today we are encouraged to go and do likewise. We pray for the grace to know and do good always. God hear us! Amen.


Maybell Owabumuwa ACA, FCCA is on the staff of AC Pendred & Co Solicitors


Christian Corner is supported by The Redeemed Christian Church of God Ireland


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JFK Industrial Estate,
off Kylemore Road
Dublin 12
+353 1 4299919

TAGS : Easter Christian holiday samaritan Good Samaritan
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