Call for proposals from development minded journalists
2018-10-01 11:44:12 -


By Staff Reporter


Journalists of all types have been encouraged to apply for the winter 2018 round of the Simon Cumbers Media Fund.

The fund is currently accepting proposals on development-related issues from media professionals who wish to travel to a developing country to report on contemporary life there.

The fund, which aims to facilitate enhanced coverage of development issues in the Irish media, is supported by Irish Aid, the Government’s overseas aid programme.

It was established in memory of Irish journalist Simon Cumbers, who was killed while on assignment in Saudi Arabia in 2004.

Launching the winter 2018 round recently, Minister of State for Diaspora and International Development, Ciarán Cannon, said that proposals should centre on international development themes, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Applicants must demonstrate the relevance of their project to one or more of the Irish Aid priority areas: climate change, health, human rights, poverty and water.

“Ireland plays a leading role in driving sustainable, international development and helping to empower local communities, from Vietnam to Mozambique and beyond,” said Minister Cannon.

“Irish Aid plays an essential role in this effort through a variety of initiatives, including the Simon Cumbers Media Fund.

“The fund provides media professionals with an opportunity to cover topics that may otherwise go unreported, while offering a platform to the individuals and communities behind those stories.

“I would encourage reporters and photographers to think broadly about how their particular journalistic interests could be applied to a development setting and to submit a proposal.”

In a statement, the Simon Cumbers Media Fund said applications from journalists from all media disciplines and outlets are welcomed.

“Photographers may also apply for funding to present a photographic exhibition as part of their submission. Judges will assess applications against criteria such as originality, the reach of the project and its potential to raise understanding of development issues among Irish audiences.”

The deadline for submissions to the winter 2018 round is 5pm on Wednesday 31 October. For further information visit

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