Funding for Traveller and Roma pride events
2018-05-01 14:46:39 -

This year’s Traveller and Roma Pride Week has been boosted with a new funding scheme announced recently by the Department of Justice and Equality.


The funding will be given to groups promoting the inclusion of Travellers and Roma people during the annual initiative that this year runs from 28 May to 10 June.


“It is fantastic to be able to provide funding for Traveller and Roma Pride Week again in 2018,” said David Stanton, Minister of State special responsibility for Equality, Immigration and Integration.


“Be proud of your membership of the communities and I hope to see lots of great events all around the country promoting the inclusion of Traveller and Roma communities.


Although the total funding available for the initiative has not been disclosed, Justice said up to €2,000 is available to community-based groups at the national, regional and local levels that involve members of the Traveller or Roma communities, celebrate their cultures, and promote a positive image of their cultures to the wider community.


Application forms are available on and completed applications should be sent to before the closing date of 12 noon on Friday 4 May.

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