Call for organisations promoting integration to apply for funding
2018-04-01 17:07:00 -

Frontline community groups promoting migrant integration, raising intercultural awareness or combating racism have been urged to apply for State funding for such work in their local areas.


David Stanton, Minister of State for Equality, Immigration, and Integration, said €500,000 is available for the Communities Integration Fund (CIF) in 2018.


“Successful integration of migrants is, in part, about successful interactions,” said Minister Stanton at the recent launch of this year’s fund. “It’s about communities that offer a generous welcome. It’s about the willingness and, sometimes, bravery, to accept that welcome. It’s people with different cultures and backgrounds coming together.”


Minister Stanton said the CIF “brings people together, particularly people who perhaps wouldn’t ordinarily have the opportunity to interact or to get to know one another. 


“I firmly believe that to build truly integrated communities, we need to interact with one another, to build new connections, develop mutual understanding and enjoy shared experiences. Interaction is a vital part of the integration process.”


The Office for Promotion of Migrant Integration (OPMI), which runs the CIF, says that funding of up to €5,000 “is available to community organisations for eligible activities to promote migrant integration in their local community. Allocation is via an open competitive process.”


In the first year of the CIF in 2017, every county in Ireland benefitted from locally run initiatives to promote integration, the OPMI added.


The closing date for this year’s CIF applications is on Thursday 3 May.2018.



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