Is President Higgins joining league of politicians who make fake promises?
2018-03-01 17:05:00 -


By Chinedu Onyejelem


President Michael D Higgins is expected to announce his bid for a second term this summer.


Metro Éireann understands that the President, who took office in November 2011, has the backing of Labour, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil. And it is presumed he would run unopposed, as his predecessor Mary McAleese did in her second term.


Minister of State for the Diaspora Ciaran Cannon previously stated that anyone planning to run against President Higgins would have to be an “exceptional candidate”.


Not everyone is enthused about the prospect. Senator Gerard Craughwell, who has already declared his intention to run against President Higgins if he seeks a second term, has been critical of perceived political manoeuvrings around the potential bid.


“The declaration is a kite that’s been flown, probably by Labour,” said Senator Craughwell. “I think they’ve strategically picked July for the declaration because that’s when the Dáil will be on holidays and it will be very hard for anyone – within or without of Leinster House – to launch a bid then.


“It’s traditional cute hoorism of the most typical kind,” he added.


Last November, Metro Éireann published an opinion poll conducted with members of Ireland’s new communities on whether President Higgins should run for a second term.


Nearly two-thirds (64%) of 50 respondents said he should be allowed the opportunity to continue.


Metro Éireann has been a strong supporter of President Higgins since long before he took office. But this newspaper also notes his previous promise only to serve a single term as President, a statement to which some of our readers wish to hold him to account.


Solicitor Oliver Orji told Metro Éireann in last year’s poll: “For once, I prefer to see a situation where a politician kept to his promise.”


The sentiment was echoed in a recent telephone call to Metro Éireann, where an immigrant who does not want to be identified said: “We sincerely hope that President Higgins would not join the league of politicians who make fake promises.”


TAGS : Michael D Higgins
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