BOOK: Money for Jam
2017-12-15 15:45:05 -

Want to make some money for jam? This book will help you.


Have you thought about earning some extra cash – or even making a living – from producing and selling your own foods? If so, the revised and expanded second edition of Oonagh Monahan’s Money for Jam is the book to buy for Christmas.


Money for Jam is described as a “one-stop resource” for anyone thinking of starting up a food business in Ireland, with information for budding entrepreneurs on all aspects of the industry.


The book aims to help the myriad of food entrepreneurs across the country develop, sustain and grow their businesses.


“If you are a food lover, have a real passion for food and want to turn your love of food into a business, starting off can be tricky,” says the author. “Not only do you need to know how to make your food, you have to know how to turn those foods into sellable products, and that passion into a business. 


“You also have to know all about the latest updates in legislation, food safety, hygiene and registration, food labelling and packaging, and how to work with suppliers and distributors. You need to be aware of emerging trends in the industry. 


“It’s a bit of a minefield, starting in the food business, and there is a lot to learn in a short period of time.”


Oonagh Monahan has worked with many food businesses across Ireland and Northern Ireland. “The food industry has such a wide array of products that can be made and sold and turned into a business - each one quite different to the next,” she says. 


“We in Ireland have a great reputation for good food, well made and well marketed. Around the country we see small food companies ply their wares in shops and at markets. We see how Irish companies have started and grown into national and indeed international brands such as the Mash Direct, Murphy’s Ice Cream, The Foods of Athenry, the Burren Smokehouse, Achill Sea Salt and many more.


“All kinds of business people will get insights in this book, from bakers, jam and honey makers to ice cream, yogurt and cheese makers, egg producers, sausage roll and pie makers, chocolatiers and dessert makers, with lots of case studies of successful food businesses in an easy-to-read and easy-to-follow format.”


Money for Jam is available in bookshops nationwide and is also available as an ebook for Kindle readers.



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