EDITORIAL - Take time to think of others this Christmas
2017-12-15 17:25:00 -

On 25 December, billions of people all over the world celebrate Christmas, the annual festival to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. The religious and cultural observance – which has changed over hundreds of years and in many places is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike – offers a significant opportunity for people to deeply reflect on their spiritual life, or appreciate family and loved ones.


But there are also others who do not find the season so positive. The sick, those who are lonely, the poor and the hungry are likely to find this time very difficult.


We must, therefore, pause and take a moment to remember all those whose Christmas won’t be as happy as others’ – and support them in whatever way we can. That includes welcoming them to gatherings, feasting, and gift-giving. This is the real spirit of Christmas.


While it remains a wonderful season, Christmas is also a time of loss for many, through illness or accident. We must, therefore, celebrate with caution to avoid tragedy in our homes and on the road. 


Specifically, there must be no drink driving. In the first 10 days of 2017’s Garda road safety campaign for the Christmas period, more people were caught compared to last year’s efforts. That’s a whopping 260 people arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. They present a danger to themselves and to us all. We urge everyone to take care and be mindful of other lives during this season and always.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and happy New Year.



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